Learn about Virgil's beliefs
When the size and/or spending of government grows, our liberties and freedoms are reduced. As your State Senator, I will actively engage with other legislators as we work to limit government growth and intervention in our day to day lives. It is imperative that we bring down government spending and find ways to make government more efficient.
Government makes no money; it only spends money – your money. State government must reduce spending so we can reduce taxes and become more competitive with other states – especially our border states. It’s important for legislators to take the necessary steps to reform our tax law and reduce all taxes (property, income and sales). Such reform will not come easy, but it can be done. By innovation and thinking outside the box, a long-term plan can be implemented to rein in government spending – allowing for a gradual reduction of the tax burden on Kansas families and job creators. A more friendly tax code is the key to making job creators look at Kansas as the place to start a new business or move an existing business.
In my first 40 days as a senator, I will introduce legislation to allow voters to vote on tax increases – much like our neighboring states of Oklahoma and Missouri.
I believe very strongly that the Kansas Legislature needs term limits. Serving as a legislator should not be a career. A person elected to the Legislature should not become a career politician, but should serve and then go back to working in the private sector. Kansas currently has 13 senators who've been there 15 years or longer – one was first elected in 1977 (43 years ago). I commit to serving no more than three terms in the State Senate. I am 60 years of age. If elected, I will fight to accomplish what I believe in and what is good for District 15 – then I’ll get out and let someone else take over.
In my first 40 days as a senator, I will introduce a Constitutional amendment to create term limits in Kansas.
In addition to a more business friendly tax code, we must remove burdensome regulations that cause job creators to look at states other than Kansas as the place they want to start or grow their business. Policies set by the government have a huge impact on whether a business owner or entrepreneur decides to locate their headquarters in Kansas. As a senator, I will diligently work to ensure that government gets out of the way of those who create jobs for Kansas residents – while at the same time making certain the work environment is safe for Kansas workers. Government does not grow business or private sector jobs, but it can have a negative effect on business in a way that hinders business and job growth. A more friendly tax code is the key to making job creators look at Kansas as the place to start a new business or move an existing business.
We have no greater asset than our children and no greater responsibility than to provide them with a great educational opportunity. This is evidenced by the fact that in Kansas sixty-five (65) percent of the state budget – nearly two-thirds – is allocated for education. It is important for all of us to always remember that education is about the children – our future leaders and innovators. My focus will be to work on getting more money to the classroom where our great teachers are doing their best to teach students. At the same time, we must ensure that parents have the freedom to be in charge of their own children's education; which means making available alternatives to the current funding arrangement. Like any area that receives our tax dollars, we should constantly be looking for efficiency and additional innovative ways to meet the educational needs of Kansas children with an eye toward an improved outcome. Kansas taxpayers need and deserve accountability from school systems as to how and where their investment in education is being spent.
I am a strong supporter of the Constitution and believe in our right to keep and bear arms. And I have a proven record of fighting against the liberals and their agenda of restricting our 2nd amendment right. As an owner of firearms, I receive great pleasure and relaxation spending time in nature hunting wild game. You can rest assured, as a senator, I will always protect your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. For many years I’ve been a member of the National Rifle Association. My NRA membership number is: 255606907.
Being pro-life is one of my core beliefs; which means it is an issue I will not compromise on. I have always believed in the sanctity of life and understand that life begins at conception. We must protect the life of the unborn children. Being a pro-life legislator is more than voting for pro-life legislation – it includes being engaged in the fight by supporting pro-life organizations. My wife and I have invested hundreds of hours of our time and significant financial resources working with the Midwest Pregnancy Care Center as they assist women in difficult situations. Additionally, each year we show our support for the pro-life cause by participating in our local Life Chain.
I believe in, and will defend, natural marriage – that being between one man and one woman. Additionally, I believe it is wrong to allow those who were born male to compete in girl’s (female) athletics – it is discriminatory against girls. I was raised (and still believe) that God made females special and that we (males) should always treat them (females) special.
We need to end taxpayer funded benefits for illegal immigrants in Kansas – such as free healthcare and subsidizing their college tuition. It is difficult to say with 100% certainty, but researchers say illegal immigrants cost Kansas taxpayers $200-$300 million annually. I understand immigration is ultimately a federal issue. We should put pressure on the federal government to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.
One of the most important groups that have made America the great nation it is today is our military veterans. The brave men and women of our armed forces have valiantly fought to preserve the freedoms we enjoy each and every day. They have my undying gratitude for their sacrificial service. Sadly, Kansas does not do as good a job of recognizing and supporting our military veterans – especially our disabled veterans – as we should.
In my first 40 days as a senator, I will introduce legislation to provide a sales tax exemption for disabled veterans when they purchase food and other personal hygiene items.
The verdict is in – Obamacare is a failure. It has failed Kansas Families and businesses. Due to Obamacare, options for health insurance have disappeared – causing premium rates to skyrocket – and families have lost access to the doctors they know and trust. I, like most republicans, oppose Obamacare and any expansion of it. Remember, Obamacare passed in 2010 with no/zero “yes” votes from republicans. Also remember the Nancy Pelosi comment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” The government has no business being in the business of providing healthcare. Doing so only creates another taxpayer funded entitlement program and chips away at our individual freedoms. I support common sense, free-market solutions that will reduce costs and increase access to care – such as 2019, HB2209 and seriously consider legislation such as 2020, SB281 & 2020, HB2522.